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Partners et Donors

Constantly seeking support and participative funding from public bodies and private companies, AK asbl actively responds to calls for projects

The I.61 Foundation

Through his Foundation I.61 (Isaiah, 61)  Jérémie Alamazani, from the Eastern Province, whose father was one of youngest governors, has been providing us with monthly financial assistance since 2015. He is also "CEO & co-Founder" of Square Rock, a plateform for the promotion of events and activities, based in the UK.

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The Alliance Française of Kisangani

We have been able to count on considerable help from the Alliance Française of Kisangani (Afraco), under the direction of Matthieu Juin-Levite, in terms of retraining and training courses for teachers, as well as holiday internships for students from our school.

The King Baudouin Foundation 

Between April 2015 and June 2018, the King Baudouin Foundation supported our association AK asbl by offering all the garantees expected by the donors regarding the use of funds paid, and also granting tax deductions for any donation starting at 40 €.

Coup de Pouce Asbl

In 2014, the association "Coup de Pouce" gave us funds that enabled the installation of the sewing workshop for the vocational training of young single mothers.

The BNP Paribas Fortis Foundation
Through its Help2help program, this foundation provided us with financial assistance in 2015-2016.

Since January 2015, AK asbl has been listed on « », website created at the initiative of the King Baudouin Foundation. Crossroads of Belgian NPOs, this site allows the promotion of the actions and a better visibility of the associations.


Le Lycée Martin V

To mark the fiftieth anniversary of the creation of this secondary school in Louvain-la-Neuve, a marathon was organised on 19 May 2023 to raise funds for the construction of wooden games for the young pupils of the Complexe Mère Térésa de Calcutta.


Le Lycée Martin V

A l'occasion du cinquantième anniversaire de la création de ce lycée situé à Louvain-la-Neuve, un marathon a été organisé le 19 mai 2023 pour récolter des fonds destinés à la création de jeux en bois pour les jeunes élèves du Complexe Mère Térésa de Calcutta.


We consider each person participating in our work and contributing to the achievement of our goals as belonging to the AK family asbl :


- Abrassart, Dominique

- Ahad Zazoio, Elias et Nadia (Cafétéria Blocry)

- Alamazani, Jérémie (Fondation I.61, CEO & co-Founder Square Rock)

- Alauwa, François (Bâtonnier, Kisangani)

- Andri (Famille)

- Baert, Anita (Service Sport UCL)

- Baggerman, Franciska

- Balou Tchikess, Marina (M. François)

- Beyne, Jean-Jacques

- Biayi, Douglas

- Boel, Frédérique

- Bomboko, Stéphanie (UNICEF, France)

- Bothy, Eric (Fondateur Ecole de Tennis Blocry)

- Combis, Brigitte

- Damseaux (Famille, TRANSMAC-ORGAMAN, RDC)

- Deckers, Hervé (Avocat)

- El Hafi, Hamza (MDM)

- Fernane, Madjid

- Gimenez-Cabeza, Puebla

- Giu, Agenonga

- Hawkes, Phillip (RIP, BNP Paribas Fortis)

- Hubert, Michel (BNP Paribas Fortis)

- Jeanmoye, Marc (Directeur Centre Sportif Blocry)

- Juin-Levite, Mathieu

- Kamatari, Chantal (BNP Paribas Fortis)

- Kariakous, Gaia

- Kibalabala, Anady (RTGA, RDC)

- Kikassa, Jean-Claude (Chirurgien-urologue, CHU Creil, France)

- Kikassa (Famille)

- Kingombe, Didier

- Lacroix, Marie (Juriste)

- Litt, Greg (Préparateur physique)

- Luzeka, Myriam

- Mambo, (Directeur S.A. Bralima, Kisangani)

- Morimont (Famille)

- Musambi, Marianne (MMM Event)

- Omari, Constant (Président FECOFA, RDC)

- Papa Joseph (Menuisier)

- Ruchababisha, Zaina

- Ruth, Michaël (Directeur Ecole de Tennis Blocry)

- Sangolo Samba, Baudouin

- Tshinyama Kayiba, Brigitte

- Utembi Tapa, Marcel (Archevêque de Kisangani, Président de la CENCO)

- Ukeci, Alphonse

- Weber, Kevin (Service Sport UCL) ainsi que tous les participants à l'organisation de l'événement « Malanda Match of Day ».

- Winan, Thierry

- Zegbe Yawuza, Malu


May this family grow over the years so that the launch of a better future continues for these children.


We would like to thank you all who, in their singularity and their contribution, allow these children to realize their dream and dream of their future life.


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